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Shaheen Statement on Senate Passage of Amendment to Sanction Russia for Interference in Our Elections

**Shaheen spurred Senate leadership to act on Russian sanctions and was a key negotiator on this Russia sanctions legislation**

**SHAHEEN: “The Senate has finally confronted Russia for interfering in our elections.”**

 (Washington DC) — U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement after the Senate approved an amendment that she cosponsored to sanction Russia. Senator Shaheen urged Senate leadership to act on Russian sanctions legislation and was a key negotiator on this Russia sanctions amendment to Iran sanctions legislation. Senator Shaheen is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“Today the Senate has finally confronted Russia for interfering in our elections,” said Shaheen. “This bipartisan amendment is the sanctions regime that the Kremlin deserves for its actions. Following final passage, it will be important that the House follow suit, the President sign this legislation into law, and as a country, we send a strong, unified message that we will not tolerate the Kremlin’s intrusion in our democracy.”