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Shaheen Statement on Senate Republican Vote to Move Forward with Healthcare Repeal Legislation

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement after Republicans in the Senate voted to proceed to healthcare repeal legislation:

“Today’s vote confirms that Republican leadership will move forward with a vote on healthcare repeal legislation without any input from the public,” said Senator Shaheen. “Republican leadership have not held any hearings on their healthcare repeal effort, nor have they even disclosed the final legislation that the Senate will be voting on in the coming days. This is deeply disturbing and not how a legislative body should function, particularly when it comes to legislation that impacts every American. I agree with Sen. McCain’s remarks on the Senate floor this afternoon: the Senate should work in a bipartisan fashion and in an open and transparent process to fix the problems in our healthcare system. I urge Republican leadership to come to the table and begin this important work now.”