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Shaheen Statement on the United Kingdom’s Referendum on Continued European Union Membership

Shaheen: Although I am deeply disappointed by their decision to exit the European Union and concerned about the consequences that will result, the choice was theirs to make.

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and lead Democrat on the European Affairs subcommittee, released the following statement in reaction to the United Kingdom’s referendum on whether to remain a member of the European Union.

"British voters have spoken," said Senator Shaheen. "Although I am deeply disappointed by their decision to exit the European Union and concerned about the consequences that will result, the choice was theirs to make. I hope and expect that leaders in London, Brussels and beyond will take the steps necessary to minimize the economic and political fallout from this vote and to preserve the cooperation that will be required to address the range of issues confronting Europe and the United States.”

In June, Senator Shaheen penned an op-ed with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for The Washington Post, urging the United Kingdom to vote to remain in the European Union.