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U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement after the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved a draft resolution on coordination to stop the flow of funds and fighters from other countries to terrorist organizations, including the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL):

“I am encouraged by the United Nations Security Council resolution requiring countries to stop money and fighters from other countries from reaching ISIL and other terrorist groups. I’ve consistently called for increased international cooperation to degrade and ultimately eliminate the threat of terrorist organizations to our interests.

“This resolution and the sanctions the Treasury Department announced today represent important steps forward. At the same time, we cannot let up in our efforts and in holding our partners in the region and countries around the world accountable for their obligations under this resolution."

Last month, Shaheen called on Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew and Secretary of State John Kerry to disrupt and stop of the flow of money and foreign fighters to ISIL. This afternoon, the Department of Treasury announced sanctions against 11 individuals and one Indonesian organization for their ties to ISIL. In an op-ed published in the Concord Monitor, Shaheen outlined the steps necessary to address the threat of ISIL including, “working with our partners to deny the group funding and foreign fighters and strengthening international intelligence and law enforcement cooperation so that the Islamic State cannot engage in external attacks.”