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(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) publicly endorsed the National Breast Cancer Coalition’s Breast Cancer Deadline 2020 initiative today, a move that affirms her commitment to supporting efforts to end breast cancer by January 1, 2020. The initiative focuses on bringing together leaders in breast cancer research, treatment and prevention to effectively combat all areas of the disease, expand access to treatment and save lives.

“Most of us have had a loved one suffer from this terrible disease that has already cost too many lives, not just across the United States but around the world,” Senator Shaheen said. “The National Breast Cancer Coalition’s initiative is a noble one.  We should all come together and find a way to end breast cancer by 2020.”

In addition to endorsing the 2020 initiative, Shaheen is a cosponsor of the Accelerating the End of Breast Cancer Act of 2013. The legislation establishes a commission comprised of medical experts, breast cancer experts and patient advocates to promote partnerships between the public and private sectors to improve research and treatment outcomes. The commission would be charged with developing a strategic plan to achieve its goal of ending breast cancer by 2020.