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Shaheen to Maintain Key Committee Assignments for 115th Congress

**Senator Shaheen will continue to serve on the Senate Armed Services, Foreign Relations, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and Appropriations committees**

(Washington, DC)—Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) announced her committee assignments for the 115th Congress where she’ll remain a member of the Senate Armed Services, Foreign Relations, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and Appropriations committees. Senator Shaheen will remain the lead Democratic member of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee.  

“I am proud and honored to represent New Hampshire on these distinguished committees,” said Shaheen. “I look forward to continuing my work on the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, bolstering New Hampshire’s role in our national security and strengthening our international alliances as we address the many threats our nation faces. Through my leadership role on the Small Business Committee, I’m excited to build on the legislative successes of the previous Congress to support small business growth through access to affordable credit and export markets. And on the Appropriations Committee, I’ll continue to advocate for federal resources to battle the opioid epidemic, while diligently reviewing the federal budget to promote fiscal responsibility with taxpayer dollars.”