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Shaheen to Negotiate Bipartisan Small Business Assistance Legislation As Part of 3rd COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill

**Senator Shaheen has had extensive conversations with New Hampshire businesses as this crisis has unfolded, which will inform her priorities in these negotiations**

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), as a member of the Senate Small Business Committee, has been appointed to negotiate legislation to support small businesses in the third COVID-19 response bill that Congress will take up. Senator Shaheen alongside three of her Senate colleagues, Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Susan Collins (R-ME), will seek to hammer out an agreement that will provide support to America’s small businesses to help them weather this crisis. At 10AM today, Senator Shaheen formally began bipartisan negotiations on this historic legislation with her colleagues.

“Right now, millions of small business owners in New Hampshire and nationwide are lying awake at night wondering how they’ll stay afloat,” said Shaheen. “I’ve had extensive conversations with New Hampshire businesses and community leaders as this crisis has unfolded – these invaluable conversations have informed my priorities for these negotiations. This moment in history requires bold leadership from Congress and unprecedented steps to support small businesses through grants, enhanced government-guaranteed loans and direct federal lending. In addition, this broader economic package must include robust support for workers, particularly low-paid workers, who are struggling immensely. I’m eager to start this critical work to deliver help to our economy, as every effort must be made to quickly deliver help to workers and small businesses.”   

As the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak continue to grow in New Hampshire and across the nation, Shaheen has worked to communicate with Granite State stakeholders affected by the public health emergency, including small businesses, leaders of New Hampshire communities, including mayors and non-profit service organizations and charities who are assisting response efforts in communities throughout the state.