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Senator Shaheen at BIA luncheon

(November 4, 2013, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) meets with attendees at the New Hampshire Business and Industry Association luncheon)

(Manchester, NH) – Helping create jobs and grow the economy should be Washington’s top priority right now, said U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) this afternoon during remarks to New Hampshire business leaders.  Shaheen issued that call at the New Hampshire Business and Industry Association (BIA) luncheon earlier today where she discussed efforts to strengthen New Hampshire’s economy through efforts such as STEM education investments, expanding trade opportunities and supporting initiatives to spur the manufacturing industry.

“Creating jobs and growing the economy needs to be Washington’s top priority,” Shaheen said. “Smart investments in areas like energy, education and manufacturing will lay the foundation for economic growth and help create Granite State jobs.”

During her remarks, Shaheen also stressed the importance of ending the brinkmanship and dysfunction in Washington that is creating uncertainty for businesses and harming economic growth. Shaheen then highlighted her bipartisan proposal to switch the federal budget from an annual appropriations system to a two year biennial budget process as a way to bring stability and certainty to the federal appropriations system.

Shaheen also discussed her bipartisan energy efficiency legislation, which is estimated to create 136,000 jobs by 2025.

Throughout her career, Shaheen has worked closely with New Hampshire’s small business community, which comprise 96 percent of the state’s employers, to develop policies that will benefit the New Hampshire economy. She recently met with several New Hampshire businesses to discuss job creation efforts and toured the Enterprise Center at Plymouth that she helped launch in order to support small businesses in rural New Hampshire.  Last week she joined a coalition of Senators to launch a campaign designed to spur the manufacturing industry and create jobs across the country.