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Shaheen Votes for Bipartisan Long-Term Transportation Bill; Expresses Disappointment in House Inaction

Washington, DC – Today, Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) voted in favor of a bipartisan six-year transportation bill that would provide the funding certainty that’s needed to allow stalled construction projects in New Hampshire and across the country to go forward. Yesterday, the House of Representatives adjourned for a five-week recess without considering any long-term funding proposal for road and bridge construction and repair, and, instead, passed a three-month extension of federal highway funding.

“What I hear over and over again from local officials and drivers across New Hampshire is that road and bridge disrepair is hurting the local economy, increasing traffic, adding wear and tear to vehicles, and is a threat to public safety,” said Shaheen. “I’m very disappointed that the House has recessed for vacation without even considering a long-term funding source for desperately needed road and bridge repair. The Senate has approved a bipartisan long-term funding bill and the House should do likewise so that projects across New Hampshire can ramp-up planning, hiring and construction.”

In recent weeks, Senator Shaheen has been traveling around New Hampshire to stalled transportation projects to highlight how not having long-term federal funding is impacting local communities.

In order to avoid a lapse in federal highway funding, the Senate approved of the House’s short-term funding legislation this afternoon.