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(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen today released the below statement after the Senate last night failed to extend unemployment insurance, leaving thousands of New Hampshire residents and millions more nationwide without these critical benefits. Shaheen has voted for extending unemployment insurance every time it has come before the Senate, and, in 2009, led a successful effort to ensure that federal unemployment benefits would be extended in every state.

"Unemployment insurance is a critical safety net for thousands of New Hampshire families, and it is frustrating and disappointing that the Senate has yet to pass an extension. The minority party continues to object despite the clear need for unemployment insurance in every state. The longer we wait to extend unemployment insurance, the more families that will have to choose between paying their mortgage, putting food on the table, or putting gas in their car so they can look for a job. I will continue to support extending unemployment insurance while the economy rebounds, and I will continue to urge my colleagues to do the same."