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Bipartisan effort clears Senate after Shaheen introduced first piece of legislation to replace cut in December

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) today praised the passing of a bipartisan Senate bill that will reverse a cost of living adjustment (COLA) reduction for military retirees that was included in last year’s bipartisan budget agreement. Shaheen, who has led the push to reverse the COLA adjustment for military retirees, was the first to introduce legislation repealing the cut back in December. The bill cleared the Senate this afternoon by a 95-3 vote.

“It is important that we honor our commitment to the men and women who have volunteered and sacrificed to protect our country,” Shaheen said. “Today’s vote was the right thing to do. This bill rightfully restores cost of living adjustments for military retirees who have fought for our country and does so without adding to the deficit. I’m encouraged by the cooperation behind this agreement and am hopeful we can continue to work in the same bipartisan fashion moving forward.”

The House passed the bill yesterday by a vote of 326-90 and the legislation will next be sent to the President for his signature.