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VIDEO RELEASE: Shaheen to Support Both Articles of Impeachment, Speaks on Senate Floor Ahead of Final Vote

Shaheen speaks on the Senate Floor

**Senator Shaheen’s remarks can be viewed in full here.** 

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) announced in a speech on the Senate floor that she will support both Articles of Impeachment in the Senate trial of President Donald Trump. The following is a condensed version of Shaheen’s remarks: 

I come to the floor to express my profound disappointment. This is a sad moment in our nation’s history.  

I, like all of us in the Senate, came to this body to try and make a difference for our constituents. To address the kitchen table issues that affect their everyday lives – lowering prescription drug costs, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, making college more affordable, protecting our environment, helping our veterans, supporting our small businesses… 

Unfortunately, it is this President’s disturbing actions that have put us in this position... 

President Trump went to great lengths to try and force the Ukrainian president to help smear Joe Biden -- his political rival. This scheme included withholding military aid and withholding a meeting at the White House with the Ukrainian president. 

On the Articles of Impeachment before us, I’ve listened to the extensive arguments from both the House managers and the defense counsel for the President. I believe the evidence clearly shows that the President abused his power – which has been acknowledged by several Republican senators – and he obstructed Congress, which is why I will be supporting both Articles of Impeachment…  

Our founding fathers were very concerned about both foreign interference in our democracy and the Executive abusing the powers of the office for electoral gain. James Madison warned of a President that “might betray his trust to foreign powers.”  George Washington, in his farewell address warned us all “to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government…” 

Now with respect to the second article dealing with obstruction of justice, the House Managers have also presented overwhelming evidence that President Trump obstructed the investigation into his conduct toward Ukraine. 

As a Senator, I never imagined I would have to participate in an impeachment trial of a sitting President. These proceedings cause strain and division, not just here in Congress, but across the country. I would much prefer that Congress be engaged in the critical bipartisan work that’s needed on important issues – things that can improve lives across this country and move our nation forward. I hope that this body will move on from this disappointing day and will get back to the business of the country.