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Senior Member of U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Shaheen Highlights Significant New Hampshire and National Priorities Secured in Committee-Passed Government Funding Bills

**Shaheen secured a total of $100,404,000 in direct investments for the Granite State in twelve Committee-passed government funding bills**

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a senior member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and Chair of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, highlighted the numerous priorities she championed and secured in the bipartisan Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 25) government funding bills recently passed by the Committee. In these bills, which Shaheen helped craft, she secured critical investments to strengthen workforce development programs, support affordable housing construction, bolster child care and early education and more. 

“The bipartisan bills we’ve passed out of the Appropriations Committee would be impactful for my home state of New Hampshire and all of America,” said Shaheen, Chair of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies. “If signed into law, these bills would help achieve critical priorities by making direct investments that will help combat the ongoing substance use disorder crisis, lowering costs for families, creating strong, good-paying jobs and increasing affordable housing. I’m also proud that we were able to secure 20,000 additional Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans who stood with American troops and diplomats during the war in Afghanistan.” 

Below is a list of Shaheen-secured priorities in all of the FY 25 appropriations bills:

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Lowering Home Energy Costs 

A longtime champion of energy efficiency, Senator Shaheen secured a $17 million increase in funding for work to improve the effectiveness and affordability of energy efficient technologies—like heat pumps and building envelope technologies—for new home construction and retrofitting older homes. The bill also provides $371 million for weatherization programs that lower home heating and other energy bills for low-income households, including $35 million for the weatherization readiness fund that supports structural improvements to allow for energy efficiency upgrades.  

Supporting Coastal Communities

Supporting our coastal communities, Shaheen secured $329,178,000 in funding for small harbor maintenance, including dredging, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A $151,178,000 increase from the current level, this funding will help ensure safe navigation in New Hampshire’s harbors for both commercial and recreational vessels. Shaheen has long championed Army Corps projects in New Hampshire, ensuring Seacoast communities reap the full benefits of well-maintained harbors. 

Northern Border Regional Commission 

Shaheen secured $46 million for the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC)—the highest level ever included in annual government funding legislation. The NBRC is a vital federal-state partnership for economic and community development that provides grant funding to communities within Belknap, Carroll, Cheshire, Coos, Grafton and Sullivan counties. Shaheen has led efforts in Congress that support and invest in the NBRC and included her bipartisan legislation to reauthorize and expand the NBRC’s reach in the Farm Bill that was signed into law in 2018. This legislation expanded the NBRC to include Cheshire County and communities in Belknap County. Shaheen also worked to include language to ensure portions of NBRC funds be directed to assist rural communities affected by past mill closures, as well as support new markets and the infrastructure needs of the forest products industry. Last year, Shaheen, alongside Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), reintroduced the NBRC Reauthorization Act of 2023. Congresswoman Kuster led this legislation in the House, which would extend the authorization of the NBRC for another ten years and allow NBRC funding to support healthcare, childcare and housing development projects. 

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

PFAS Testing and Remediation

Senator Shaheen has spearheaded efforts in Congress to uncover the potential health effects related to PFAS contamination, respond to the chemical exposure and remediate polluted sites around military bases. The bill includes Shaheen’s request for $5 million to fund the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s Multi-Site PFAS health study. Additionally, it includes over $980 million for the military services to remediate drinking water contaminated by PFAS—an increase of $130 million over the President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2025—as a result of Shaheen’s leadership on the Defense Subcommittee.  

Additionally, the bill includes a requirement for the Department of Defense to sustain its engagement with PFAS-affected communities and collaborate directly with localities to develop prompt and innovative solutions to mitigate the effects of PFAS contamination on drinking water.  

Supporting Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and the Shipbuilding Industrial Base

As a co-chair of the U.S. Senate Navy Caucus and a senior member of the Defense Subcommittee and U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Shaheen is New Hampshire’s strongest advocate for the shipyard and Navy shipbuilding programs. The bill fully funds the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Plan (SIOP), including the funding needed to complete dry dock projects at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The bill also includes $795 million for the SIOP above the President’s Budget, which will help to increase submarine maintenance availability at Portsmouth and across the country.  

The bill fully funds the COLUMBIA-class submarine program at $3.36 billion and includes $375 million above the President’s Budget Request for the Virginia-class program. This additional funding will directly support Virginia-class program suppliers in New England. Finally, the bill includes $1 billion for submarine supplier development funding – which supports workforce development for the submarine supplier base in New Hampshire, including with the Community College Systems of New Hampshire and businesses such as Granite State Manufacturing.  

Standing with Partners and Allies

Senator Shaheen helped to create the Eastern European Training Initiative as part of the FY 19 NDAA  

and has been a steadfast supporter of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), a unique authority that allows the Department of Defense (DoD) to put equipment on contract directly for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Building on her provision in the FY25 Senate-passed NDAA to provide additional flexibility to USAI, the U.S. Senate Appropriations bill funds the program at $300 million through FY26.  

The FY 25 NDAA also created a new Indo-Pacific Security Assistance Initiative, which will allow the U.S. to train and equip Indo-Pacific partners by putting capabilities from U.S. manufacturers on contract with DoD. The Defense Appropriations bill supported by Shaheen funds this new program at $500 million.  

Continued Investments in New Hampshire’s Aerospace and Defense Industry

As a result of Senator Shaheen’s leadership for New Hampshire’s aerospace industry, the bill fully funds work done in Londonderry on L3 Harris’s Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular and funds six additional F-15EX aircraft above the President’s Budget Request. It also fully funds the KC-46 refueling tanker, flown by the New Hampshire National Guard’s 157th Air Refueling Wing; and funds the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. The bill also includes a $63 million increase from Shaheen for the Improved Turbine Engine Program, which will support work on the program done in Hooksett.  

Finally, the bill includes a $32 billion increase requested by Shaheen for the APEX Accelerators Program, which assists small businesses in New Hampshire with procurement opportunities with the Department of Defense.   

Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Act

Shaheen successfully secured $12 million to fund the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Act across the Department of Defense, military services, Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Staff. Shaheen authored the Women, Peace and Security Act in 2017 and recently reauthorized DoD’s ability to conduct security cooperation under WPS in the Committee-passed FY25 NDAA.  

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Boosting Efforts to Address the Substance Use Disorder Crisis

A longtime champion of increasing funding to address the ongoing substance use disorder crisis, Senator Shaheen secured a $120 million increase for the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services Block Grant. Shaheen also secured $25 million in increased funding for both the State Opioid Response grant program and the Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Loan Repayment Program. 

Investing in Child Care and Early Education

As the child care crisis persists in New Hampshire and across the country, Shaheen helped secure a $2.3 billion increase for federal child care programs, including a $1.7 billion increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grants (for a total of $10.3 billion) and a $700 million increase for Head Start (for a total of $12.97 billion). Earlier this year, Shaheen, a leader in advocating for resources to support child care providers and families, secured a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act to expand child care access for military families, which is based off her bipartisan bill, the Expanding Access to Child Care for Military Families Act, to help build a strong child care workforce and make long-term investments in child care providers. She also reintroduced her Right Start Child Care and Education Act, which would reform the federal tax code to make child care more affordable and accessible for working families. Last year, Shaheen took to the Senate floor urging Congress to pass President Biden’s request for $16 billion to support child care stabilization grants in the domestic supplemental funding request. 

Protecting Investments in Workforce Development

Maintaining key investments that support job training and help connect Granite Staters with good jobs, Shaheen secured $2.9 billion for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) formula grants and $290 million for Registered Apprenticeships. The Registered Apprenticeships Program supports an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience with a mentor, receive progressive wage increases, classroom instruction and a portable, nationally-recognized credential. In January, Shaheen joined Senator Hassan and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for a tour of the Painters’ Finishing Trades Institute of New England and to meet with apprentices training in the finishing trades. 

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Supporting Small Businesses 

As a long-time leader on small business issues and Chair of the U.S. Senate Small Business Committee, Senator Shaheen secured a $61 million increase to Small Business Administration funding in FY 25, including increased support for small business exporters, entrepreneurial development and disaster assistance. She also worked to include language supporting small business owners doing succession planning for how to pass on their businesses and language to improve support for rural small businesses. 

Fighting to Protect Mail Service for New Hampshire

Senator Shaheen has long been concerned about the Postmaster General’s harmful changes to the U.S. Postal Service that are negatively impacting Granite Staters. She secured language in this Act expressing concern about the impact of these changes on mail delivery across the country and encouraging increased oversight of the Postal Service’s plans. Senator Shaheen previously helped introduce bicameral, bipartisan legislation that would prohibit USPS from consolidating, closing or downgrading a processing and distribution center if it would leave a state without one or negatively impact mail delivery across a state. In February, the entire New Hampshire congressional delegation sent a letter to Postmaster General DeJoy expressing concerns about plans for the Manchester Processing and Distribution Center, noting that they could be damaging to mail service in New Hampshire. She also joined her Senate colleagues in a bipartisan letter calling on the Postal Service to pause planned changes to its processing and delivery network until potential impacts are further studied by the Postal Regulatory Commission and addressed by the Postal Service.  

Missing Armed Forces and Civilian Personnel

Senator Shaheen has long been committed to helping the families of prisoners of war (POWs) and those missing in action (MIA). She has been leading on this issue through her bipartisan bill with Senator Crapo, the Bring Our Heroes Home Act, which would eliminate obstacles preventing families and caseworkers from accessing the records needed for recovering America’s POWs and MIA. According to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, more than 81,500 Americans remain unaccounted for from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Gulf Wars and other conflicts. Parallel to this effort, Senator Shaheen obtained $2 million for National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in FY 24 for the agency to make publicly available records related to missing Armed Forces and civilian personnel. In this year’s bill, she secured language directing NARA to work with federal agencies to collect and release those records that can be released.  

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Preserving Rural Housing

Senator Shaheen has led efforts to preserve affordable housing in rural communities for nearly a decade. In this bill, she secured an expanded program to keep rural housing well-maintained and ensure senior and low-income households can keep rental assistance. This builds on her work to get key provisions of her Strategy and Investment in Rural Housing Preservation Act signed into law earlier this year. 

Supporting Snow Survey Expansion to New England

The bill includes Senator Shaheen’s request for $2 million for the Northeast expansion effort within the NRCS Snow Survey Program to allow funds to be used both for the completion of the ongoing feasibility study as well as to begin implementation of the expansion of this program. Shaheen secured the initial $1 million for this study in FY 23, and continued funding was included in FY 24. Shaheen has also introduced the bipartisan Snow Survey Northeast Expansion Act to establish a network of snow and water monitoring stations across the Northeast to track mountain snow accumulation and precipitation rates. 

Improving Crop Insurance for New England Farmers

The bill includes Shaheen's requested language expressing concern about crop insurance policies’ underserving New England growers, emphasizing USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA)’s authority to design crop insurance policies that reflect regional differences in growing and marketing practices. The language expresses support for USDA’s decision to convene a working group of New England apple growers to, in line with Shaheen’s urging, help better inform future policies and encourages RMA to consider convening similar efforts for regional growers of other crops.  

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Securing Vital Funding for Economic Development, Trade and Manufacturing  

CJS Chair Shaheen secured $100 million for Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) Tech Hubs Program, a $59 million increase above the FY 24 enacted level, to support additional Tech Hubs implementation grants like the one Shaheen helped advocate for that went to ReGen Valley Tech Hub earlier this year. Shaheen also secured continued funding for EDA's partnership with the Northern Border Regional Commission and its Assistance for Biomass Closure Communities program—programs that are particularly impactful in the North Country. 

Strengthening America’s Leadership in Space Exploration and Innovation  

To strengthen America’s continued leadership in space, Shaheen helped secure $7.65 billion for NASA Exploration, $30 million more than the President’s budget request, to keep making progress on the Artemis missions and $812 million within NASA Science for heliophysics research, a $7 million increase above the FY 24 enacted level and $25 million above the President’s budget request. This amount includes $39 million for the HelioSwarm mission led by University of New Hampshire. The Committee-passed bill includes $5 million for NASA’s innovative nanomaterial research and $2.369 billion for Earth Science including full funding for UNH’s Geosynchronous Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer (GLIMR) instrument.  

Protecting Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence  

Shaheen secured multiple provisions that build on her work protecting survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and online crimes. Namely, Senator Shaheen secured $739.5 million, the highest funding level ever, for grants authorized by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This includes $10 million for continued implementation of her Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights grant program, $56 million for legal assistance for victims, $54 million for transitional housing assistance and $750,000 for a National Institute of Justice study on online crimes against children.  

The bill also releases $1.9 billion from the Crime Victims Fund (CVF), providing $400 million above the President’s budget request and restoring grants to FY 23 enacted levels. The CVF provides critical support through direct assistance and programs offered by victim service providers to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, human trafficking and other violent crimes. 

Bolsters Support for Ocean Research and Conservation Efforts  

Shaheen secured many key resources to invest in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other initiatives to support the Granite State’s fisheries, ocean research and conservation efforts, including, but not limited to:  

  • $10 million for the NOAA Center of Excellence for Operational Ocean and Great Lakes Mapping that builds on the NOAA-UNH existing partnership through the Joint Hydrographic Center/ Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping;  
  • $13.5 million to ensure Northeast fisheries observer coverage;   
  • $1.5 million for new workforce training and research partnership between NOAA National Weather Service and the Mount Washington Observatory;  
  • $5 million for the second year of a NOAA aquaculture cooperative institute; and  
  • $700,000 increase for the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (which supports Great Bay). 

Full list of CJS-related wins can be found here. 

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Investing in Clean Water

To support drinking water and wastewater infrastructure upgrades in communities throughout the Granite State and fund projects to improve water quality in lakes, rivers and streams, Shaheen helped secure a total of $2.76 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). In addition to this funding, the DWSRF and CWSRF will receive more than $9 billion in supplemental funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Continuing her longstanding work to address PFAS, Senator Shaheen once again secured language ensuring states can use critical funding she fought for in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to assist private well owners in addressing PFAS and other dangerous contaminants.   

Bolstering Outdoor Recreation and Forest-Based Economies

As a longtime champion of outdoor recreation and land conservation, Shaheen worked to ensure implementation of the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) though this bill. The Interior Appropriations bill allocates $900 million from the Land and Water Conservation (LWCF), including $2 million for the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge and $1.5 million for the Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge. New Hampshire will also receive a portion of the nearly $300 million for LWCF stateside assistance programs that provide formula funding to New Hampshire and competitive grant opportunities to New Hampshire cities for parks, forests and other outdoor recreation development. The bill also allocates $1.9 billion to address backlogged maintenance needs through the National Parks and Public Lands Legacy Restoration Fund, including $15 million for trail restoration along the Appalachian Trail in New England and additional funding for the White Mountain National Forest.   

Shaheen also helped boost funding for state and private forestry, as well as research and development in national forests. Shaheen secured language directing the U.S. Forest Service to prioritize staffing at longstanding research at experimental forests like the Bartlett Experimental Forest in New Hampshire that benefits forest health, as well as the forest products industry that is the backbone of many rural communities.  

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Compensation and Pension Examinations

Veterans undergo compensation and pension (C&P) exams so that the extent of their disability can be determined for purposes of benefits. C&P examinations continue to be a source of frustration with New Hampshire’s veterans because the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has outsourced many C&P examinations to outside providers. These providers often require veterans to travel long distances, including into neighboring states on occasion. Veterans have expressed displeasure with being unable to receive these exams at the VA, the inability to reschedule examinations and the lack of meaningful recourse through the VA or the contractors themselves. The Committee included Senator Shaheen’s language on third-party contractors who conduct C&P Examinations. She secured language in last year’s bill directing that the VA collect a range of data on the distances and problems veterans have reported to in obtaining C&P Examinations. Notably, the language directs the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) to review its contracts with these providers to utilize the terms of the contract to institute more robust oversight mechanisms, including a process by which veterans can lodge complaints with VBA that the agency then resolves directly with the contractor. 

Cracking Down on Unaccredited Coaches and Consultants

Senator Shaheen has heard from New Hampshire veterans about so-called claims coaches and consultants who are charging veterans exorbitant rates to file initial benefits claims. In February 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) said “there has been an influx of predatory advertisements, which purport to help Veterans—often through the guise of “medical consulting” or “benefits coaching”—submit their initial claims to the VA for a fee.” The CFPB and VA noted that “unauthorized assistance in claim preparation is illegal” and said that “[w]e have heard reports that unscrupulous actors have misled some veterans into paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal fees.” Senator Shaheen secured report language directing the VA Office of General Counsel to institute a system of reporting unaccredited attorneys who file initial benefits claims for veterans to their state bar associations for discipline. This follows the letter Senator Shaheen led to the Federal Trade Commission asking that the agency use its powers to investigate the VA benefits coaches and consultant's market. 

Delivering for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and New Hampshire National Guard:

Senator Shaheen secured full funding for the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Plan project at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Additionally, she delivered on two Congressionally Directed Spending requests for the New Hampshire National Guard: $1.2 million in design funding for a new Lakota hangar, including environmental upgrades; and $6.5 million in construction funding for alterations to the Pembroke Readiness Center.  

Senators Shaheen and Collins secured a $9.5 million Congressionally Directed Spending add for a new parking structure at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard—which will contribute to quality of life for PNSY’s workforce.  

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025

Supporting Innovative Transportation Projects

The package includes $550 million for the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant program—a $205 million increase over the current enacted level. This funding is in addition to $1.5 billion for RAISE in FY 25 that Senator Shaheen helped secure as a lead negotiator of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Since 2012, the RAISE program, previously known as BUILD/TIGER, has provided over $95 million for projects across New Hampshire

Increasing Affordable Housing

To help address New Hampshire’s severe need for affordable housing, Senator Shaheen secured two provisions to accelerate affordable housing construction in New Hampshire by removing delays and duplication in permitting and approval processes at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. These programs will make federal funding more effective in building the 60,000 units of housing New Hampshire is estimated to need by 2030. 

Senator Shaheen also worked to include $100 million for grants to state and local governments to reduce local barriers to housing construction and fought to increase funding for HOME Investment Partnerships to $1.425 billion to secure the capital needed. In addition, she pushed to increase funding for Housing Choice Vouchers by $2.9 billion to $35.3 billion and Homeless Assistance Grants by $220 million to $4.3 billion. 

Shaheen-Secured Priorities in the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025 

Protecting Afghan Allies

Shaheen secured bipartisan support for the Afghan SIV program with 20,000 additional visas provided in the State Foreign Operations (SFOPS) bill. Shaheen has championed efforts in Congress to provide a pathway to safety for those Afghans who stood alongside U.S. troops and diplomats in Afghanistan. The amendment extends the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa program for two years through 2027. The amendment responds to findings Shaheen released in a 2022 comprehensive report on the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa Program and builds on efforts by the State Department and Congress to improve the efficiency of the application process.  
Support for Women and Girls Around the World 
Senator Shaheen continues to be a leading voice on global women’s issues because she recognizes that empowered women build stronger, more stable families and communities. The SFOPS bill includes $600 million in bilateral funding for international family planning assistance, which if signed into law would be the first increase in funding in over a decade. The funding, in addition to an increase in funds for the United Nations Population Fund, goes to programs that support the sexual and reproductive health of women. An additional $150 million in funding from the SFOPS bill will be programmed toward implementing Shaheen’s Women, Peace and Security Act, which ensures women are included in peace negotiations and conflict resolution around the world. 

Enhancing Assistance to Europe and Supporting Democracy

As the Chair of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, Shaheen continues to prioritize much-needed assistance for European countries that are on the frontlines in the global fight for democracy. Shaheen secured funding to counter malign Russian influence, improve U.S. investments in the region and support democratic institutions and reform efforts in nations including Belarus, Georgia and Moldova. Shaheen also secured over $850 million in funding for the Assistance to Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia (AEECA) account. 

Shaheen secured the following Congressional Directed Funding for New Hampshire – Totaling $100,404,000



Amount Provided

Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies


Town of Bedford 

Photo Voltaic Storage and Electric Vehicle Charging—Solar Powered 


Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies


Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 

Warren Facility Renovation for Resilience & Regeneration 


Behavioral Health and Developmental Services of Strafford County, Inc. 

Spectrum Connection Facility Renovation 


Centro Latino de New Hampshire 

Mental Health Services 


Cheshire County 

Advanced EMS/Fire Radio Network Equipment 


Dartmouth Health 

Doula Training Program 


Dartmouth Health 

Inpatient Detox for Pregnant and Parenting Women 


Dover Adult Learning Center 

Licensed Nursing Assistant Training Program 


Elliot Health System 

Health Workforce Expansion 


Great Bay Community College 

Workforce Capacity Building in Welding 


International Institute of New England 

Equipment for Digital Literacy Training 


Keene Housing Kids Collaborative 

After-school and Summer Camp Program 


Lamprey Health Care, Inc. 

Pharmacy Integration Project 


NAMI New Hampshire 

Overdose Prevention Program 


Nashua Community College 

Air Traffic Control Workforce Training 


New England College 

Community Mental Health Bachelor’s Degree Program 


New Hampshire Children’s Trust, Inc. 

Child Abuse Prevention Program 


New Hampshire School Principals Foundation 

Workforce Development for School Leaders 


New Neighbor Connections 

Newcomer Student Engagement Program for Immigrants and Refugees 


NH Black Women Health Project 

Mental Health and Resiliency Program 


NH Hunger Solutions 

Social Determinants of Health Action Plan and Nutrition Assistance Outreach 


North Country Home Health & Hospice Agency, Inc. 

Workforce Training in Palliative Care 


Ossipee Concerned Citizens 

Meals and Supportive Services for Older Adults 


Reach for the Top Therapy Services 

Expand Speech, Language and Communication Services 


Rivier University 

Mobile Medical Van Services 


Seven Hills New Hampshire, Inc. 

Campus Renovations 


St. Joseph Hospital of Nashua 

Mamography Machine Replacement 


The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester 

Equipment and Facility Upgrades 


University of New Hampshire 

Center for Health Workforce and Clinical Innovation 


White Mountain Science Inc. 

Rural STEM Education Expansion 


Financial Services and General Government


Early Learning New Hampshire 

Strengthening New Hampshire Childcare Small Businesses 


Coos County Economic Development Corporation 

Coos County Outdoor Economy Small Business Resiliency Support 


Monadnock Economic Development Corporation 

Bringing it Home 


Claremont Development Authority 

Claremont Small Business Center 


New Hampshire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 

Cybersecurity Solutions for New Hampshire Small Businesses 


Community Action Partnership of Strafford County 

Early Care Resource Network 


University of New Hampshire 

Expansion of the Entrepreneurship Center Space at the University of New Hampshire 


Nashua Regional Planning Commission 

Nashua Region Online Entrepreneurship Toolbox 


Strafford Economic Development Corporation 

Strafford Economic Development Corporation Technical Assistance Expansion Project 


Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies


Town of Bethlehem 

Bethlehem Transfer Station Project 


Town of Hancock 

Hancock Fire Station Renovation Project 


Town of Hampton 

Hampton Public Safety Pier 


Town of Groton 

Groton Sand Shed 


Walpole Foundation  

Walpole Village School 


Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies


Children’s Law Center of New Hampshire 

Children’s Law Center of New Hampshire Master of Social Work Funding Project 


City of Concord 

Concord Police Department Active Shooter Response Equipment & Training 


City of Portsmouth 

ICACCOPS & NH ICAC Enhanced Capacity Program 


City of Rochester 

Rochester Police Department Virtual Reality Training Project 


Derry Police Department 

Derry, Londonderry, Windham Police RMS/CAD System 


Epping, Rockingham County, Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire, Land Conservation Dept 

Squamscott Fields Salt Marsh Resiliency Project 


Grafton County Sheriff’s Department 

Grafton County Sheriff’s Department Computer Forensic Unit 


Hampton Police Department 

Hampton NH Police Law Enforcement Accountability Program Project 


Hillsborough Police Department 

Hillsborough Police Department Public Safety Radio Equipment Project 


Manchester Police Department 

City of Manchester Radio Replacement Project 


Nashua Police Department 

De-escalation Range Simulator 


New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence 

Increasing Access to Legal Systems for Victims and Survivors 


New Hampshire Fish and Game Department/Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve 

Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: Research Facility 


Newmarket Police Department 

Dispatch and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Upgrade 


Newport Police Department 

Newport Police Department Records/Dispatch Software 


NH Dept. of Safety – Division of State Police 

New Hampshire State Police Special Investigations Unit (SIU) Cybercrime Response Van 


Northern Border Dispatch 

Northern Border Dispatch Border Security Communication 


Plaistow Police Department 

Plaistow Regional Public Safety Communications Infrastructure Project 


Seacoast Science Center 

Seacoast Science Center Public Presentation of the Principles of Ocean and Climate Literacy 


Somersworth Police Department 

Somersworth Police Portable Radios 


University of New Hampshire 

uSafeUS Expansion 


University of New Hampshire 

State-of-the-art systems control and automation for land-based aquaculture at UNH 


University of New Hampshire 

Building Capacity for PFAS Analysis in NH 


Interior, Environment and Related Agencies


U.S. Forest Service 

White Mountain National Forest for the Saco Ranger Station 


Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies


Portsmouth Naval Shipyard 

Parking Structure: Design 


New Hampshire National Guard 

Lakota Hangar Addition and Environmental Upgrades: Design (Concord) 


New Hampshire National Guard 

Readiness Center Addition/Alteration: Minor Construction (Pembroke) 


Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies


Bridges: Domestic And Sexual Violence Support Services Incorporated 

Bridges Emergency Housing Program 



Community Food Center 


Avesta Housing Development Corporation 

Conway Affordable Housing Development 


Cross Roads House Inc. 

Cross Roads Family Homeless Shelter 


School Administrative Unit #18 

Franklin High School Community Revitalization Project 


Southwestern Community Services, Inc. 

Keene Senior Housing – Building Repairs and Upgrades 


NeighborWorks Southern New Hampshire 

Manchester Affordable Housing Development 


Mark Stebbins Community Center 

Mark Stebbins Community Center Development 


St. Joseph Community Services 

Meals on Wheels of Hillsborough 

County: Community Nutrition Center 


Monadnock Affordable Housing Corporation 

Monadnock Affordable Housing Project 


Area Agency of Greater Nashua, Inc. 

Nashua Supportive Housing Project 


New Hampshire Catholic Charities, Inc. 

New Generation Renovation Project 


Salem Housing Authority 

Salem Affordable Housing Development 


Our Place, Inc. 

Supportive Housing for Adults with Disabilities 

