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Shaheen Applauds Senate Confirmation of Ambassador to Israel, Urges Continued and Immediate Diplomacy in Region Following Hamas’ Terrorist Attack and Ongoing War in Gaza

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), senior member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) and Chair of the Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, joined a bipartisan group of Senators to confirm Jack Lew to be Ambassador to Israel. This important confirmation comes at a truly critical time as Israel responds to the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks that murdered more than 1,400 innocent Israelis, including over 30 Americans, and took hostage more than 230 people, which also reportedly includes as many as 13 American citizens.

“Israel is facing a direct threat from a brutal terrorist organization intent on killing Israelis and with no regard for Palestinian lives. I am pleased the Senate has confirmed Jack Lew to the important position of Ambassador to Israel and hope the Senate will quickly confirm other regional Ambassadors to help deter bad actors from taking advantage of this crisis. I will continue to support Ambassador Lew as he works with the Israeli government to affirm its right to self-defense, ensure the protection of all civilian life and work with partners to get humanitarian aid into Gaza,” said Shaheen.

Shaheen is a strong supporter of Israel and has utilized her leadership on SFRC, the U.S. Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees to bolster Israel and its people. Earlier this month she posed questions to Jack Lew during his nomination hearing in SFRC and urged her colleagues to quickly confirm him to this position. In response to the horrific terror attack on October 7, Shaheen swiftly condemned Hamas and called for enduring support for Israel. She also joined letters calling for the release of the American hostages in Gaza, support for a strong humanitarian response in Gaza and a safe pathway to safety for Americans stuck in Gaza.
