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Shaheen Attends Groundbreaking at Net-Zero Housing Development in Hudson, Discusses Innovative Manufacturing in Salem, Celebrates Back to School and New Clean School Buses in Concord

(Concord, NH) - Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) joined community leaders in Hudson to break ground at a new net-zero housing development and celebrated more than $33 million coming to the Granite State for new clean, electric school buses in Concord – projects aimed at enhancing environmental sustainability and lowering costs for Granite Staters. Shaheen also visited GPD Optoelectronics in Salem to discuss innovative manufacturing in New Hampshire. Photos from today’s events can be found here.

In Hudson, Shaheen joined local leaders and community members for a groundbreaking ceremony at the net-zero Barrett Hill development. The Barrett Hill development will build 26 net-zero energy duplex units which will save residents money on utilities and support the growth of New Hampshire’s workforce by expanding training and employment opportunities in net-zero construction. 

“I’ve heard from businesses around New Hampshire that the high cost of housing creates workforce challenges, ultimately holding back New Hampshire’s economy,” said Senator Shaheen. “These new energy-efficient units will help address our state’s housing shortage while saving homeowners money on their utility bills for years to come.”

Shaheen has long championed efforts to lower the cost of housing through modernizing building energy codes and recently wrote an op-ed in the Union Leader urging the State of New Hampshire to adopt the latest building energy codes and access federal funding that she helped secure in the Inflation Reduction Act. Earlier this year, Shaheen sent a letter to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) urging it to require that new homes with mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meet up-to-date building codes for energy efficiency.

Shaheen was a lead negotiator of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which made huge investments in clean energy, including $225 million to support the adoption and implementation of updated building energy codes based upon her longstanding bipartisan legislation with Senator Rob Portman. Shaheen also helped secure $1 billion in the Inflation Reduction Act, of which New Hampshire is eligible for nearly $2.5 million to support modern code adoption, implementation, enforcement, training and workforce development.

Shaheen then stopped by GPD Optoelectronics in Salem for a discussion about innovative manufacturing in New Hampshire.

“Granite State businesses like GPD Optoelectronics are operating at the cutting edge of the aerospace and defense industries,” said Senator Shaheen. “It was a pleasure to tour their facility today to learn more about their efforts to innovate and discuss how Congress can continue to support the New Hampshire businesses that create good-paying jobs while bolstering our national security.”

Last month, Shaheen led a bipartisan Congressional Delegation to the Farnborough Airshow where she met with several New Hampshire based aerospace and defense businesses, including representatives from GPD Optoelectronics, to connect regional businesses with international leaders in the industry. New Hampshire’s Office of International Commerce featured New Hampshire exhibitors at the Air Show through the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), which Shaheen created in 2010. Shaheen continues to lead action in support of STEP in Congress—including efforts to advance STEP’s reauthorization out of the U.S. Senate Small Business Committee, which she chairs.

Later in the day, Shaheen joined local leaders and educator to celebrate more than $33 million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that she secured for school districts across New Hampshire to purchase clean school buses.

"Today in Concord, I was excited to celebrate more than $33 million for 11 Granite State school districts to supply 117 new, zero-emission electric school buses. Replacing older diesel buses makes a big difference for kids' health and air quality in our communities. I couldn't be prouder to deliver this lasting investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in the future of New Hampshire communities," said Senator Shaheen.

Shaheen helped negotiate the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which established the Clean School Bus Program and provided $5 billion of funding to transform the nation's fleet of school buses. The 2023 Clean School Bus rebates will help selectees purchase 117 clean school buses in 11 school districts across New Hampshire. The full list of New Hampshire recipients can be found here.
