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Shaheen Delivers Remarks at Remembrance Ceremony Marking 22nd Anniversary of September 11th Terror Attacks

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Shaheen delivering remarks at the Durham Fire Department’s September 11th Remembrance Ceremony.

(Durham, NH) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) participated in the Durham Fire Department’s September 11th Remembrance Ceremony. During her remarks, the Senator honored the sacrifice and bravery of the first responders and civilians who lost their lives in the attacks.

“Our hearts are always heavy on this anniversary. September 11th, 2001, was a day of tragedy that left no American untouched. We all remember the feelings of shock, horror and sadness as we saw footage from the streets of New York City, the Pentagon and the fields of Pennsylvania,” said Senator Shaheen. “I hope we can all find the opportunity to channel the solidarity we felt twenty-two years ago and remember that we are stronger when we are together.”

Last year, Senator Shaheen helped introduce and pass a bipartisan resolution recognizing September 11th as a “National Day of Service and Remembrance” and encouraging the American public to volunteer in a charitable service of their choosing on or around the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
