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Shaheen Recommits to Protecting and Expanding Women’s Reproductive Rights on Two-Year Anniversary of Dobbs Decision

**Shaheen released a video highlighting stories from Granite Staters speaking to the importance of women’s reproductive freedoms**

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement on the two-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.  

“Two years ago, the Supreme Court made the outrageous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed women’s reproductive freedoms as the law of the land for nearly 50 years. The Dobbs decision stripped women of our fundamental ability to control our own bodies – setting us back decades when women want and deserve to go forward,” said Senator Shaheen. 

She continued, “We now live in a country where our daughters and granddaughters have fewer reproductive freedoms than the women who came before them. On this somber anniversary, I vow to continue fighting in Congress to do all we can to restore, protect and expand women’s right to access full reproductive health care.” 

Senator Shaheen released a video marking the two-year anniversary by sharing stories of Granite Staters about what reproductive freedom means to them and their families.  

Shaheen has been a leader in the U.S. Senate on expanding access to reproductive health care. In the aftermath of the Dobbs Supreme Court decision, Shaheen also introduced legislation, the Protecting Service Members’ and Military Families Access to Health Care Act, to ensure service members can access reproductive care when stationed in states that restrict access to basic reproductive rights, including abortion. For years, Shaheen has led the fight to ensure military families receive the quality reproductive health care they deserve with her bipartisan legislation, the Expanding Access to Contraception for Service Members and Dependents Act  

In the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee-passed fiscal year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, Shaheen secured an historic amendment requiring that all women who receive health care through the military have access to FDA-approved contraception without insurance co-pays, aiming to bring military health care in line with civilian health care and eliminating an undue financial burden for women and dependents in the military. The Shaheen amendment also requires the Department of Defense to develop a comprehensive family planning education program for servicemembers to ensure families can make informed decisions about their future.   
Shaheen also helped secure an amendment to improve contraception counseling services for service members, including by mandating contraceptive counseling information in periodic health assessments for service members and including information on contraception in pre-deployment service forms. 
