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Shaheen Spoke on World Affairs Council of New Hampshire Panel About Need for Additional Ukraine Aid


Watch the discussion in full here.

(Manchester, NH) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations and Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee that oversees U.S. policy towards Europe, spoke at the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire's moderated panel, Staying the Course in Ukraine: Why Western Support is Vital, to discuss the urgent need to continue supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom against Russia. Shaheen provided insights into how NATO allies continue to unite to help Ukraine defend its sovereignty and what is at stake for the world—and Granite Staters—if Russia is not stopped. This event came on the heels of House Republicans’ refusal to include new Ukraine aid in the recent stop-gap government funding bill.

Key quotes from Senator Shaheen on the importance of supporting Ukraine:

  • “If we don’t stand up to dictators like Vladimir Putin today, if he’s able to roll over and take Ukraine, then where is he going to stop? Is he going to stop in Poland? Is he going to stop in the Baltics? Is he going to stop in the rest of Eastern Europe that was part of the Soviet Union? I can tell you that the leaders of those countries that I’ve talked to don’t believe that he will stop with Ukraine.”
  • “One of the things I think Vladimir Putin badly misunderstood was the willingness of NATO and our allies to come together in support of Ukraine. He thought that going into Ukraine was going to fracture NATO, that it would fracture the European alliance and it’s done just the opposite.”
  • “The ability to show [our competitors] that we have both the capacity and commitment to stay in this fight is really critical.”

A member of the U.S. Senate Ukraine Caucus, Shaheen has led action in the Senate to support Ukraine in response to Russia’s assault. Shaheen has led multiple bipartisan delegations to Ukraine and met with President Zelenskyy and members of his Cabinet. As Co-chair of the bipartisan U.S. Senate NATO Observer Group and Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee that oversees U.S. policy towards Europe, Shaheen is a leading policymaker on efforts in defense of democracies around the globe amid Putin’s efforts to destabilize the continent. During President Zelenskyy’s visit to Congress last month, Shaheen led a bipartisan statement with U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) on the need for continued support from the U.S. and NATO.
