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Shaheen Statement on Recent Violence in the North of Kosovo

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chair of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, issued the following statement in response to a violent attack against Kosovo Police over the weekend:

“I strongly condemn the violent attack over the weekend on Kosovo Police,” said Shaheen. “My thoughts are with the family of Afrim Bunjaku, the Kosovo Police sergeant who lost his life to a senseless act of violence, and the three police officers who were also injured. Those responsible for this brutal attack should be brought to justice.”

The Senator continued: “Sadly, this situation puts a larger spotlight on the stalemate between Kosovo and Serbia. While I applaud the actions taken earlier this year where both countries agreed to a framework that would help ensure regional peace and bolster their prospects for EU membership, it’s deeply unfortunate that both President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti still refuse to demonstrate a willingness to seek a permanent resolution. Sunday’s tragedy highlights the real risk of inaction—we cannot let any more innocent lives pay the price of political paralysis. I urge both leaders to work with the United States and European Union to prioritize diplomatic efforts that would avoid further violence and return to the EU-facilitated Dialogue to advance normalization without delay.”

Senator Shaheen has been speaking out against the violence in the region for months. She recently led a bipartisan letter urging the Biden administration to prioritize addressing the deteriorating security situation between Kosovo and Serbia. Last year, Shaheen visited Kosovo and Serbia as part of a congressional delegation visit to the Balkans, which also included a stop in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the urging of Shaheen, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on the Western Balkans last month, which came on the heels of Shaheen’s renewed bipartisan push to advance her legislation that would promote cooperation between the U.S. and the Western Balkans.
