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Shaheen Statement on Second Failed Vote on Bipartisan Border Security Legislation to Stem the Flow of Fentanyl

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) today released the following statement after voting for the bipartisan border legislation that would secure the border and stem the flow of fentanyl, which has now been defeated twice by Republicans: 

“We have a crisis at the southern border that is directly affecting New Hampshire, where there are too many deadly drugs flowing into our country. A bipartisan group of Senators worked for months to craft this historic compromise—the strictest border security bill we’ve seen in decades—that would have supplied the border with critical resources to increase security, stop the flow of illicit drugs and better protect all Americans. Instead of doing what was in the best interest of the nation, Republicans walked away—twice now—at the behest of Donald Trump. 

“I’m deeply disappointed by this outcome. Anything we can do to cut down on the amount of fentanyl that's coming into the United States, we ought to be doing it. The longer we wait, the more Granite Staters will be put at risk.” 

Senator Shaheen has led efforts in the Senate to address the substance use disorder epidemic, including working to stem the flow of drugs across the southern border. This week, Shaheen spoke on the Senate floor in support of the bipartisan border legislation—especially provisions that would help stop the flow of illicit drugs. Shaheen was also supportive of measures in the recently passed bipartisan supplemental national security funding which also included measures to address the trafficking of fentanyl.
